Welcome to the home of AusThai Educational and Maker’s Corner

We apply state of the art technology to provide cost effective and timely electronic design solutions for industry, education and hobbyists.

AusThai Solutions was founded in 2002 to provide design services to multinational companies in the eastern seaboard of Thailand. We expanded quickly to serve international clients in the UK, Netherlands and Australia. In 2004 we entered the hobby market with our first soldering kit for distribution in Australia and Germany. In 2006 we were commissioned to design and supply a CPLD training board for a collaboration of universities in Germany and the US. From here we developed a range of training boards for colleges and universities in other countries. Since 2015 these three areas (industry, education and makers) have formed the core of our business.

This web site is where we showcase our kits and projects for makers and learning electronics. For custom designs, R&D and production inquiries please consult our main AusThai Solutions website.